- 30. March 2016: FloodRisk-7000 Kick-off-Meeting in Graz (Austria)
- 27.-30. June 2016: PAGES-Paleoflood Workshop in Grenoble (France)
- Programme: «Cross community workshop on past flood variability»
- Meeting Report: «Using Archives of Past Floods to Estimate Future Flood Hazards»
- Presentation by T. Swierczynski: «Understanding floods and risks of the last 7000 years at Lake Mondsee»
- 20.-21. March 2017: FloodRisk-7000 Project Meeting in Mondsee (Austria)
- 09.-13. May 2017: PAGES Flood Working Group Meeting (side meeting) at the 5th PAGES Open Science Meeting in Zaragoza (Spain)
- 22.-24. May 2017: Austrian Climate Day in Vienna (Austria)
- «Programme»
- Presentation of FloodRisk-7000 by F. Prettenthaler & A. Lexer
- News article in «derStandard»
- News article in «Tiroler Tageszeitung»
- News article at «steiermark.orf.at»
- 11.-13. October 2017: Impacts World 2017 Conference – Counting the true costs of climate change (Potsdam, Germany)
- «Programme»
- Poster presentation by T. Swierczynski: «Understanding paleofloods for estimating damage loss potential in the future»
- 08.-13. April 2018: EGU General Assembly 2018 (Vienna, Austria)
- Interim results of FloodRisk-7000 are presented in the sessions «Flood and weather extremes of the past» and «Costs of Natural Hazards»
- Abstract: «Linking paleofloods to precipitation extremes at Lake Mondsee (NE Alps)»
- Abstract: «Estimating flood damage potentials by linking paleoflood records and
empirical loss data»
- 14.-15. May 2018: FloodRisk-7000 Final Meeting in Vienna (Austria)